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Book Shark Blog


5 Things Your Editor Will Love

The relationship between an author and editor is a complex one. It’s also very intimate. Think about it. You poured a piece of yourself into those pages, and here’s this…editor…telling you everything that’s wrong with it. But this is an important partnership for your book...


10 Marketing Tips for Authors

Website: As an author you must have a website. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but you must have one. This is the place where readers find all the information regarding you as the author and your books. Have purchase links, an updated biography,...


Top 4 Mistakes Authors Make

We've been in the book industry for a long time, and weirdly enough, we see writers make some of the same mistakes over and over again. And nowadays, it's easy to make the jump from writer to published author, which makes things even worse! It...


Books to Read before Watching the Movie

Let’s be completely honest here, folks. We bookworms pick apart movies that are based on books. It’s a fact–we can’t help it! And it’s almost always the case where the book is simply BETTER. Again, it’s all about the facts. Now, I wonder if that...